Patterned Narratives (Rey)

Studio Description | وصف الاستوديو

Kate James

In Patterned Narratives Studio, students will undertake a global journey through the exploration of diverse communities and their unique textile traditions. We will delve into the rich tapestry of values and meanings visually encoded in traditional and contemporary textiles from around the globe.

As we examine how fast fashion has diluted the cultural significance embedded in garments, students will engage in deep self-reflection to define their own life values. They will then translate these personal and cultural insights into unique patterned garments.

Using hand-printing techniques, students will transfer their distinctive patterns onto fabric, creating garments that capture and celebrate their values, heritage, and the diversity of human expression.

Final Presentation

Ekin Dik

Patterned Narratives

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Final Presentation

Ekin Dik

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Final Presentation

Ekin Dik

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Final Presentation

Ekin Dik

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Final Presentation

Ekin Dik

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