Culinary Crossroads (E) | رحلة مطبخ

The Why Analysis

Fared Alhafez

بعد أن نظرنا إلى مشروعنا ، حددنا مجموعتنا المستهدفة: الأشخاص الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 10 و 40 عامًا. أدركنا أن خصائصها هي: أنها لا تعتمد على نظام الوجبة ، عندما يكون الغذاء متاحًا ، فهم يأكلون طعامًا صحيًا ، فهم يأكلون الطعام سريعًا.

الأسئلة التي نطرحها:

هل يتناول كبار السن في لويزيانا الوجبات السريعة؟
هل الأطفال (4-10 سنوات) في ولاية لويزيانا يأكلون الوجبات السريعة؟
هل يحب مجتمع لويزي تجربة الأطعمة الجديدة؟
هل يهتم مجتمع لويزي بالأكل الصحي؟

After we looked at our project, we identified our target group: people between 10 and 40 years old. We realized that their characteristics are: they do not depend on the meal system, when food is available they eat , they eat healthy food and they love the fast and swift food .

The Questions :-

Are senior citizens in Louisiana eating fast food?
Are children (4-10 years) in Louisiana eating fast food?
Does the Luizian community love the experience of new foods?
Does the Luizian community care about healthy eating?


The Changes

Fared Alhafez

After we met with our friends in Louisiana  we were thinking about doing the pies like SUBWAY , we discovered that is difficult and its need a lot of time if we were in a resturant we would do it , but we are in a food truck and the time is very important , so we made 5 different filling on the pies hopefully we can make all the customers happy .

And in the future we will make more than 5 types of the pies .

Do you agree with me guys ?