Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

Bedroom Box-Final

Muhammed Bekri and Mohammed Ramadan

Bedroom Box-Final

Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

Bedroom Box -week 3-

Mohammed Ramadan

Some Syrian families  who are refugees can't afford big houses and a lot of rooms, so they live in small or below average houses, and in these houses they don't have enough rooms to put every furniture that a full house got, some workers don't always work at the same place and move to different cities or any other places, so they can't take their whole house with them, the Bedroom Box is a good solution, that was what inspired us to make this idea alive.

Bedroom Box is a piece of furniture that transforms between a piece of art and a complete bedroom, it was formed to be two rectangles that can close on each other vertically using normal and hydraulic gear. and inside them they have the most furniture that a normal bedroom has.

- Bed, Baby Bed, Drawers, Mirror, Shelves and some empty space to put other thing on it.

The machines and tools needed:

-Laser Cutter, Normal and Hydraulic Gear, all of the project will be made out of wood.

We drew the project on Rhino and changed some things and added some.

Art Alive -week 1-

Mohammed Ramadan

Art  Alive depends on creativity and  investment a narrow space/corner and make it a service space and all of that by creating multi-functional tools (Table, Painting,  Chair...) 

We  started the course with an  exercise, 3 triangles  that you can move only 180 degrees and you have  to make the 3  triangles like the shape that  they showed you. I had some  trouble in  this exercise and understanding  it and what to do in it,  but no one  did it right, and when they showed  us the way we knew that  we can move  any triangle that you make it was  simple but complicated at  the same  time. and that was just to solve a  problem, and it was that  simple.

After we saw some models about transforming furniture that other people made we had to come up with new ideas or ideas that existed  but  put our touch on it and improve it our way, and  the idea have to solve a problem in society or our daily life.

We made some sketches to represent the ideas and explain them and how they work and what makes it special, after that we showed it to the coaches and other students to give their opinions on it.

One of the ideas is a wooden slap divided to 6 pieces connected to each other, and you can move  it to make a shape like a  honeycomb and use it as a table, or make it a bed.

Another idea is a bag that got 3 sections and you can open them to make it bigger or use it like a table when you are not home.

We got divided to teams of 2 according to similar ideas, then each team chose an idea to work on. My teammate and I chose the wooden slap idea.

We started by getting the right measurements then cutting it on cardboard and connecting the pieces then shaping it like a honey comp.   

Bedroom Box -week 4-

Mohammed Ramadan

After the Rhino project is done we had to put some design on the project to make it a painting and complete the course's name -Art Alive-. The decoration that I chose reef design, first I took some reference photos and took them to Rhino then drew them, it was kind of hard but with the help of the coaches everything is easy :) after finishing the design I exported it to the Laser Cutter and made all the pieces.

I had some mistakes so I fixed them all then cutted them again. I liked the design so I went with the sea them so I drew other pictures of a ship and chest and other sea themed models. Then I decorated the project with these drawing 

Art Alive -week 2-

Mohammed Ramadan

After we finished the slap model, we saw that the idea was too simple, so we chose a whole new idea, and it's about a bedroom in a big box.

We drew a sketch about the idea then we putted the measurements and divided the box to what we want to put in it.

The sketch is done, so we made a small model of it, then we got to know how to move the project and what to use.

After that we tried to draw a normal gear on Rhino just to take an idea about it and how it works.

For me there were some things that I had trouble with, one is when we started to draw our idea on Rhino, should we start with the whole model and make it 3D like what we did with our animal models last time,  or we draw each part then print it on the Laser Cutter? but in  general   working on the ideas was interesting from several aspects.

المغسلة المتحركة

Muhammed Bekri and Husseın Alalloush

Mobile Sink

Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

 هي خاصة بالمعوقين الحركيين طاولة للأكل تتحول إلى مغسلة وفي داخلها رفوف وأماكن تخزين معدات ولوازم الطبية والطعام للمعوق (صحون -شوك -سكاكين)

وعدة التنظيف للمغسلة (محارم -صابون-مناشف)

مواد طبية وعلاجية

فوائده والمشكلات التي يحلها

وجد هذا الأختراع لتسهيل حياة الموجودين في سوريا والمخيمات  من العجزة والمعوقين خاصة والمحتاجين له عامة لضيق المساحات التي يعيشون بعا وقلة الخدمات والبنى التحتية 

ووجود أعداد كبيرة خلفتها الحرب 

أيجاد أكثر من وظيفة لقطعة أثاث واحدة رخيصة الثمن والتكلفة ويمكن تقديمها بالمجان للمحتاجين 

عنصر جمالي وتزييني كتحفة فنية في مكان وجوده يضفي راحة نفسية على من يشاهده

يؤمن النظافة بأقل مقدار صرف لوجود عامل التقنين بصرف المياه 

وجود اضواء تنبعث منه في الليل على شكل لوحات فنية

مرسم الهواة الديناميكي

Muhammed Bekri and Mohamad Abdulsalam

Dynamic Drawing

Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

عنوان المشروع

مرسم الهواة الديناميكي

فكرة المشروع:

مرسم جداري يتحول إلة لوحة فنية وله أماكن ورفوف للتخزين وهو خاص للهواه ومتعدد الوظائف

(هدف المشروع )فوائده والمشكلات التي يحلها

يوفر في المساحة  فهو لايأخذ مساحة عند عدم أستخدامه

سهل الأستعمال والطي

عنصر جمالي وتزييني  في مكان وجوده على الجدار

وجود أماكن تخزين لأدوات الرسم كافة

لوحة فنية على الجدران


Muhammed Bekri and Fatima Al-Ahmad

Magical Table

Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

فكرة المشروع:

فكرتنا طاولة متعددة الاستخدام تتمتع بالذكاء الصناعي مثل التحول إلى اكثر من أداة مع الحفاظ على العنصر الجمالي :)) 

فوائده والمشكلات التي يحلها

عنصر جمالي على الشرفة  كلوحة فنية

أدخال الزريعة على التصميم لأعطاء جو صحي على المكان

يوفر في المساحة فهو لايأخذ حيز

يوجد عدد من الأضافات عليه كمدة التسخين

مخزن للأشياء الموجودة على الشرفة كالملاقط .......الخ

Art Alive Week5 (Sail Library)

Muhammed Bekri and Omar Sabra Kak

Sailing Library

Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

Space Table

Muhammed Bekri and 2 OthersBeyan Elcafer
Rend Gazel

Space Table

Art Alive | لوحات متحركة

فكرة المشروع:

طاولة توضع في المطبخ

فازة توضع للتزيين وتصدر أضواء

فوائده والمشكلات التي يحلها

توضع في المساحات الضيقة

منظر جمالي

توفير في المواد

تستخدم في المركبات العادية والفضائية لأنها تطوى 

مخزن ورفوف داخلها