
Ömer Bekkur

عمر بكور

برداة سهله التحريك

final presentation

Nehal Al-othman

اسم المشروع

توليد الطاقة

The Power Of Water

قوة الماء

اسماء المشاركين

Nihal Elosman

صورة النموذج النهائي

Water-Powered Electricity: Sustainable Energy from Nature's Flow

This project generates electricity from flowing water, providing a renewable and sustainable energy source for powering lights, charging devices, and other applications. It offers a clean and versatile solution for off-grid power, emergency backup, and portable electricity generation.

final presentation

Raghad Muhyeddin and 2 OthersÖmer Bekkur
Ammar Idris

كراج السيارات

عمار ادريس, عمر بكور,حنين الخابور

صورة عن المشروع النهائي

Hydraulic Garage Door: Effortless Access with Powerful Pressure

This garage door utilizes hydraulic power to open and close smoothly, eliminating manual effort and providing convenient access. The system is adaptable to various door sizes and suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

final presentation

Raghad Muhyeddin

كراج السيارات

عمار ادريس, عمر بكور,حنين الخابور

صورة عن المشروع النهائي

Hydraulic Garage Door: Effortless Access with Powerful Pressure

This garage door utilizes hydraulic power to open and close smoothly, eliminating manual effort and providing convenient access. The system is adaptable to various door sizes and suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

final presentation

Raghad Muhyeddin

:اسم المشروع

صورة عن المشروع النهائي

سيارة توليد الطاقة

احمدالعساف : أسامة توامي

Wooden Energy Car: Eco-Friendly Ride

This project is a car built from wood and powered by stored energy, aiming to be a fuel-saving and eco-friendly alternative. It uses a battery to store energy, eliminating reliance on fossil fuels. The car can be used for fun, education, or promoting green transportation.

final presentation

Raghad Muhyeddin

:اسم المشروع

صورة عن المشروع النهائي

سيارة توليد الطاقة

احمدالعساف : أسامة توامي

Wooden Energy Car: Eco-Friendly Ride

This project is a car built from wood and powered by stored energy, aiming to be a fuel-saving and eco-friendly alternative. It uses a battery to store energy, eliminating reliance on fossil fuels. The car can be used for fun, education, or promoting green transportation.

final presentation

Mustafa Darwish and Mohammad Hasan

مصطفى درويش

محمد الحسن

المروحة الهوائية

Wind Power: Clean Energy from Windmills

Device: Wind turbine, a spinning windmill that uses wind's force to generate electricity.

Benefit: Clean and renewable energy source, replacing fossil fuels and fighting climate change.

Use: Large wind farms or small-scale for homes and remote areas.

final presentation

Raghad Muhyeddin and 3 OthersFatima Rawaj
Lujain Berawi
Maruf Ahmad

:اسم المشروع الجلسة الصحية

 :اسم الطالب

صورة عن المشروع النهائي

 لجين بيراوي

معروف احمد

فاطمة رواج

Final Presentation

Ward Abou-Hasna and 2 OthersAbdullcebbar Haj abdullah
Rayyan Saflo

ورد , عبدالجبار , ريان

طاقة الترامبولين

Power Playground: Playful Energy for a Sustainable Future

Concept: Turn wasted energy from children's play into electricity to power lights.

Problem: We rely on unsustainable energy sources and waste a lot of energy.

Solution: A trampoline-like structure captures energy from children's jumps and stores it to power lights.


  • Reduces reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Teaches kids about renewable energy.
  • Makes playtime fun and active.

المروحة الهوائية

Mustafa Darwish and Mohammad Hasan

مصطفى درويش

محمد الحسن

المروحة الهوائية

Wind Power: Clean Energy from Windmills

Device: Wind turbine, a spinning windmill that uses wind's force to generate electricity.

Benefit: Clean and renewable energy source, replacing fossil fuels and fighting climate change.

Use: Large wind farms or small-scale for homes and remote areas.