Package Design | Sunday Session


Kardelen Cici and Amal Asli


By Amal

Transformable green backaging

Amelate is a versatile, eco-friendly package designed for chocolate lovers and gift enthusiasts. Its unique shape symbolizes optimism and love, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate both sweet treats and thoughtful packaging.

Fireqit_Barbeque Kit Package Design

Kardelen Cici and Muayyad Akkawi
Fireqit s a dual-function package design that serves as both a protective storage for tools and food, and as a portable barbecue. Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who love practical solutions, this kit is perfect for weekend picnics. It includes a main box for meat and a smaller box for the barbecue setup, offering a budget-friendly solution for outdoor grilling.

Shine Bite_Kid Teeth Health

Kardelen Cici and Baraa Asli

Shine Bite is a package design encouraging kids to brush daily, sold in dental clinics and stores. It includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a 21-day challenge calendar. The tooth-shaped package doubles as a toothbrush and toothpaste holder.

Cupcake package design

Kardelen Cici



Submission 1 5W 1H  ( Brainstorming Result)

Submission 2 Persona & Enviroment Design from AI

Submission 3 Market Analysis

Submisson 4 Pacdora experience 

Submission 5 Die Line & Technical Drawing (Rhino)

Submission 6 Final Mockup ( Cuting on Cnc, clean fold, stick and set up process)