Dynamic Tales [Master]

Studio Description | وصف الاستوديو

Sima Al Kanawati

The duality of light and shadow has been explored and represented in various cultures throughout history, both as philosophical concepts and through works of art. From the use of shadows, man has created awe-inspiring works of art and preserved cultural stories through narration and simple tools such as the Folktales box and the Karagoz Theatre, which were instrumental in the evolution of today's advanced cinematic film industry.

In our studio project, we will explore this fascinating interplay between light and shadow by writing a story in which we are the main characters, depicting the growth and development we experience in our lives as we see and feel it. Through this creative process, we will learn how to use a light box model to bring our stories to life, animating the elements of our story and presenting them as a movie.

This project is designed to be both exciting and educational for students, as they will learn how to use creative writing skills and a variety of tools and techniques to produce a unique and compelling narrative. They will also develop their visual and spatial skills as they design and create their own light box model, learning how to use light and shadow to create mood and atmosphere in their story. By the end of the project, students will have gained a deeper understanding of the relationship between light and shadow, as well as the power of storytelling to communicate ideas and emotions.

تظهر ثنائية الظل والنور في مختلف الثقافات ، اما على شكل أفكار فلسفية أو على شكل أعمال فنية. وقد استطاع الانسان أن يقدم أعمالاً فنية مذهلة باستخدام الظلال وحفظ لنا القصص التراثية من خلال سردها وتصوير أحداثها بأدوات بسيطة مثل صندوق الدنيا ومسرح كاراكوز  التي كانت النواة الأولى لصناعة الأفلام السينمائية المتطورة في يومنا هذا . 

في هذا الاستوديو سنقوم بكتابة قصة نكون نحن أبطالها تعبر عن النمو والتطور في حياتنا كما نراه او نشعر به ، وسنقوم بعرض القصص من خلال مجسم صندوق الدنيا الذي سنصنعه لقوم بتحريك عناصر القصة وتحويلها الى فلم حي

Skills acquired / المهارات التي سيتعلمها الطلاب

  • Story Telling / السرد القصصي
  • Character & Background Design / تصميم الشخصيات والخلفيات
  • Lightbox Tool / استخدام صندوق الضوء
  • Sketching / الرسم اليدوي
  • Technical Drawing / الرسم الرقمي
  • Digital Fabrication /التصنيع الرقمي
  • Mechanics / الميكيانيكا
  • Model Making / صناعة المجسمات