رسم شخصية
الاجابة علي الاسئلة
فتاة لطيفة تحب السعادة و الفرح لكن غامضة في نفس الوقت تعشق القراة
قناع من الالماس
اسم الشخصية زمرد
القوة الجدية المرح التفاؤل البرود الغموض
تعدل الافكار الشريرة لافكار خيرة
عيونها عسلية لديها شعر بني بشرتها بيضاء لونها المفضل الاسود و الاخضر
Karam Genius Camp is an introductory studio with an opportunity to learn and employ fundamental design and technical skills for future studios.
At Karam House students are introduced to cutting edge technology with innovative and explorative ways to integrate it within their individual and collaborative projects.
The Augmented Persona Project
Students will investigate the superpowers of the natural world and get inspired to design their own personas, a fantasy character . We will uncover fascinating futuristic thinking and utilize the creative process to integrate these features into masks.
Throughout this studio, students will explore the power of digital design (computer aided drafting, 3D modeling) and rapid prototyping tools (laser cutters, 3D printers) micro electronics (Arduino), and body attachment techniques. Finally, students will bring their projects to the virtual world, thus introducing them to the exciting world of Augmented reality and Virtual Reality experience.
"Karam Genius Camp "كرم جنيس كامب " هو برنامج تمهيدي مع فرصة لتعلم وتوظيف التصميم الأساسي والمهارات الفنية لاستوديوهات المستقبل .
.يتعرف الطلاب في بيت كرم على أحدث التقنيات والطرق المبتكرة والاستكشافية لدمجها في مشاريعهم الفردية والتعاو
.سيقوم الطلاب بالتحقيق في القوى العظمى للعالم الطبيعي والحصول على مصدر إلهام لتصميم يمكن ارتداؤها على الوجه. سنكشف عن التفكير المستقبلي الرائع ونستخدم العملية الإبداعية لدمج هذه الميزات في ملحقات الجسم
أوجمنتد بيرسونا بروجكت
خلال هذا "جنيس كامب" ، سيستكشف الطلاب قوة التصميم الرقمي (الصياغة بمساعدة الكمبيوتر ، والنمذجة ثلاثية الأبعاد) وأدوات النماذج الأولية السريعة (قواطع الليزر ، والطابعات ثلاثية الأبعاد) والإلكترونيات الدقيقة (Arduino) ، وتقنيات ربط الجسم. أخيرًا ، سيحضر الطلاب مشاريعهم إلى العالم الافتراضي ، وبالتالي يتم تعريفهم بالعالم المثير للواقع المعزز وتجربة الواقع الافتراضي(Augmented Reality /Virtual Reality).
سيتعلمون البرامج التالية:
هو برنامج يتم من خلاله التعرف على مفاهيم الرسم الهندسي و مجموعة من برامج التصميم الهندسي كـ (Rhino و Fusion 360) و التصميم الرسومي (Illustrator)، وكذلك التعرف والعمل على أدوات جديدة مثل استخدام Laser Cutter و 3D Printer بشكل أساسي وذلك بأسلوب جديد يعتمد على التجربة والاستكشاف، بالإضافة إلى التعرف على ورشة التصنيع والأدوات الموجودة فيها لاستخدامها أثناء تنفيذ مشاريعهم.
Karam Genius Camp, gelecekteki stüdyolar için temel tasarım ve teknik becerileri öğrenme ve kullanma fırsatı sunan bir giriş stüdyosu.
Karam Evinde öğrenciler, bireysel ve ortak projelerinde kullanmak için yenilik ve keşifsel yollarla en son teknolojiyle tanışırlar.
Artırılmış Karakter Projesi.
Öğrenciler, doğal dünyanın süper güçlerini araştıracak ve yüze takılabilecek bir tasarım için ilham alacaklar. Şahane gelecek düşünceyi keşfedacağız ve bu özellikleri maskelerle birleşmek için yaratıcı işlemi kullanacağız.
Bu stüdyoda öğrenciler, dijital tasarımın (bilgisayar destekli çizim, 3 boyutlu modelleme) ve ilk maketlemek araçlarının (lazer kesiciler, 3 boyutlu yazıcılar), mikro elektroniklerin (Arduino) ve mekaniksel bağlama tekniklerinin gücünü keşfedecekler. Son olarak, öğrenciler projelerini sanal dünyaya taşıyacaklar, böylece onları ilgenç Artırılmış Gerçeklik ve Sanal Gerçeklik deneyimini ile tanıştıracaklar.
Skills acquired / المهارات التي سيتعلمها الطلاب / Elde edilecek beceriler
Illustration / İllüstrasyon
Storytelling / Hikaye anlatımı
Design / Tasarım
Prototyping / Prototipleme
Computer Aided Drawings / Bilgisayar Destekli Çizimler
Digital Fabrication (Laser-cutting & 3D Printing) / Dijital Üretim (Lazer kesim ve 3 boyutlu Baskı)
Electronics / Elektronikler
Robotics (Arduino) / Robotik (Arduino)
Photography / Fotoğraf çekmek
Interactive Design / Etkileşimli Tasarım
Augmented / Virtual reality // Artırılmış / Sanal gerçeklik
Time to enter the Metaverse!
حان الوقت لدخول Metaverse!
! Metaverse'e girme zamanı
Creating your First Post
In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first post. This video talks about basic movement around the website, navigation to a studio and creating content on the website. After this post, consider checking out other videos such as Making the Most Out of Your Posts to get a more advanced look into the editor.
Creating your First Presentation
In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first presentation. We will go over basic navigation to a new presentation, creating new content and finally going over the tools available. After this post, consider checking out other tutorials, such as the Types of Content tab or check out the master list of Slide Editor Tools to get a more advanced look into the Slide Editor.
At first glance, the Studio structure might be overwhelming. The goal of this post is to go over what a studio is at first glance. We will talk about broad overviews, what you see when you enter a studio and basic navigation. For next steps, check out Creating your First Post or Creating your First Presentation.
At first glance, a studio is a collection of visual resources, text posts, embedded videos, assignments, portfolios and much more. Studios are the bread and butter of the NuVu experience. Our studio model is centered on visually-based media and content, and designed specifically for studio-based teaching and learning. A studio-based teaching environment is highly dynamic, with different phases and parts of projects happening simultaneously and also at their own paces. The platform is a tool that provides a structure for that process while also being flexible. Instructors can clearly communicate the intent and resources of the studio, and students can access and engage with these resources as needed.
Refer to the picture above. Studios are split into Tabs. Each tab can be thought of as their own folder within the framework of the studio. When a studio is created, a preset number of tabs are created. This often includes tabs such as: Info, Calendar, Updates, Resources, Assignments, Projects, Feed. There are a few different types of tabs, each with their own type of content included inside. There are:
From a first look, the name of the studio is prominently displayed in the center of the screen, Directly below it, the studio has a set of readily available tabs. Each tab contents unique information with the types of tabs listed above. Clicking each tab will open up our visually-based media and content feed.