سدرة العجم
sedra alajam
جسر الأمل
hope bridge
من أنا؟
who am I?
لو انني كنت هيكل ماذا سأكون؟
من الصفات المشتركة بيني و بين الجسور هي تسهيل العبور, فأنا احاول دائما التسهيل و التخفيف عن الناس من حولي لمساعدتهم في عبور فترة صعبة من حياتهم
لو كنت هيكلا و كان باستطاعتي اختيار ما اريد لاخترت ان اكون جسرا
If I were a structure what would I be?
If I were a structure and could choose what I wanted, I would want to be a bridge.
One of the common traits between me and the bridges is helping overcome obstacles.
And I always thrive to help people and make them feel less pain and sadness in order to make their life as bright as possible so that they can go on with their lives peacefully without having any obstacles in the way
the storyboard قصة المشروع
1-One day my friend and I went to the forest for a picnic, and the view was very beautiful.
2- While we were sitting, we heard a strange sound coming from behind us, we were afraid, so we decided to flee before the source of the sound reached
3- On our way we found a strange and giant bridge and we decided to cross it to make sure that we stay away from the place of danger
4- While crossing, we noticed how strong and durable the bridge is, and we were surprised to find it in this place
5- After we reached the other end, we found an old man beside his tent, and he smiled upon seeing us
6-The man told us that there were bears on the other side and that he was glad we survived and crossed the bridge he made himself to help people escape.
سكتش الجسر المعلق
Sketch of a Suspension Bridge
مراحل العمل
work steps