Gamifying the Walk S2 | لنلعب مع آمال

العرض النهائي

Mohammad Tahan

صورة معبرة عن المشروع

لغبة الاستكشاف

محمد طحان
Project Description :
It is a game designed on the Scratch program that expresses a virtual path of a journey simulated from the journey of the game Amal, who is looking for her mother within an event "The walk with Amal"
On this journey, he pass through several stations with different activities related to his hobbies or the difficulties he faced during his journey as a refugee

العرض النهائي 🎓

Eman Al-Hamadi

إيمان الحمادي : الإسم

كن متفائلا: اسم المشروع

صورة معبرة عن المشروع

Project Description :
It is a game designed on the Scratch program that expresses a virtual path of a journey simulated from the journey of the game Amal, who is looking for her mother within an event "The walk with Amal"
 On this journey, she pass through several stations with different activities related to her hobbies or the difficulties she faced during her journey as a refugee

final presentation

Malak Al-Touir

الاسم: ملاك طوير

الاسم المشروع: لعبة قفز على احرف التركية

Project Description :
It is a game designed on the Scratch program that expresses a virtual path of a journey simulated from the journey of the game Amal, who is looking for her mother within an event "The walk with Amal"
 On this journey, she pass through several stations with different activities related to her hobbies or the difficulties she faced during her journey as a refugee

العرض التقديمي

Wajd Karbout

وجد خربوط

ازهر وتحضر اينما لجئت

Project Description :
It is a game designed on the Scratch program that expresses a virtual path of a journey simulated from the journey of the game Amal, who is looking for her mother within an event "The walk with Amal"
 On this journey, she pass through several stations with different activities related to her hobbies or the difficulties she faced during her journey as a refugee

Final Presentation

Basim Shahinoglu

besim şahinoğlu


رابط القصة القصيرة : قصة المسيرة on Scratch (

رابط اللعبة : لعبة المسيرة on Scratch (
Project  Description :
It is a game designed on the Scratch program that expresses a virtual path of a journey simulated from the journey of the game Amal, who is looking for her mother within an event "The walk with Amal"
On this journey, he pass through several stations with different activities related to his hobbies or the difficulties he faced during his journey as a refugee

Little Amal, a young refugee, embarks on a remarkable journey – an epic voyage that will take her across Turkey, across Europe. To find her mother. To get back to school. To start a new life. The Walk is an extraordinary artistic response: a cultural odyssey transcending borders, politics and language to tell a new story of shared humanity. In this Studio students will use easily accessible coding platforms like Skratch to build interactive games and stories of their life and their major steps in the world. Topics student’s will be covering include:

  • Gamifying their Journey.

  • Imagining the obstacles they might face.  

  • Imagining their  life after the Walk. 

To Gamify their experience allows there to be a deeper understanding of a refugee's humanity. The more people are able to play these games, the more you’ll be able to connect with them and young people like Amal who could be playing that very game with you.

أمل الصغيرة ، لاجئة شابة ، تنطلق في رحلة رائعة - رحلة ملحمية ستأخذها عبر تركيا ، عبر أوروبا. لتجد والدتها. للعودة إلى المدرسة. لبدء حياة جديدة. المسار هو رد فني استثنائي: ملحمة ثقافية تتجاوز الحدود والسياسة واللغة لتروي قصة جديدة للإنسانية المشتركة. في هذا الاستوديو ، سيستخدم الطلاب منصات برمجة يسهل الوصول إليها مثل سكراتش لبناء ألعاب وقصص تفاعلية عن حياتهم وخطواتهم الرئيسية في العالم. تشمل الموضوعات التي سيغطيها الطالب ما يلي:

تصميم رحلاتهم الخاصة.

تخيل العقبات التي قد يواجهونها.

تخيل حياتهم بعد المشي.

تتيح تجربتهم أن يكون هناك فهم أعمق لإنسانية اللاجئ. كلما زاد عدد الأشخاص الذين يمكنهم لعب هذه الألعاب ، زادت قدرتك على التواصل معهم ومع الشباب مثل أمل الذي يمكن أن يلعب هذه اللعبة معك.