02 | Precedent Research

drawing machine

Dunia Hardan

What Are Drawing Machines?

  • Definition: Drawing machines are devices that automatically make patterns or designs. They use things like gears, wheels, or motors to move a pen or pencil.
  • How They Work: Different machines use different methods to make lines. Some use swinging pendulums, while others use spinning gears.

What is a Spirograph?

  • Definition: The Spirograph is a popular drawing tool made in the 1960s by a British engineer named Denys Fisher.
  • How It Works: The Spirograph uses gears that fit together. By placing a pen in the gears and moving them, people can create circular, looping patterns.

Research in drawing and Spirograph art combines math, science, and creativity. It shows how machines can create beautiful patterns and help us learn more about geometry and symmetry. This research helps artists, educators, and engineers explore the connection between art and technology in new, exciting ways.


Joumanah Nasir

Design Drawing Machine From Cardboard

Materials Needed

  • Cardboard sheets (sturdy enough to hold the components, e.g., from a box)
  • Markers or pens (for the drawing tool)
  • Rubber bands (for flexibility in movement)
  • String or thread (for connecting parts and controlling movement)
  • Glue or hot glue gun (to hold everything together)
  • Scissors or craft knife (to cut cardboard)
  • Paper (to place under the drawing machine for creating patterns)
  • Skewers, dowels, or pencils (for the machine's rotating parts)
  • Optional: Small DC motor and battery pack (for an automated version)

2. Basic Concept and Mechanism

The drawing machine works by using rotational and pendulum motions to create patterns. The pen or marker moves in repetitive paths across the paper, driven by rotating arms or pivoting mechanisms. You can vary the complexity of the design by changing the length of arms or where the pivot points are placed.


Albaraa Omran

pil ile çalışır 

pıl dönme hareketi yapar

kalem kartonun içine girmiş

makina örneği

Mohammad Adil
  • Tekerlek ve Kalemlerin Yerleşimi: Kalemler bir tutucuya sabitlenmiş ve tutucu bir kol yardımıyla tekerleğe bağlı. Tekerleğin dönme hareketi, kalemlerin ileri geri hareket etmesini sağlar.

  • Dönme Hareketi: Tekerlek döndüğünde, bağlı olan kol hareket eder. Bu hareket sırasında kalemler kağıda farklı açılarda ve şekillerde dokunarak dairesel desenler oluşturur. Tekerleğin dönüş hızı ve kalemlerin konumu, desenlerin şekil ve boyutlarını etkiler.

  • Çizim Deseni: Tekerleğin dönüşüyle birlikte kalemlerin konumu sürekli değişir, bu da tekrar eden, simetrik ve dairesel şekiller yaratır. Farklı renklerde kalemler kullanıldığı için daha karmaşık ve renkli desenler elde edilir.

Spirograph Machine

Feras Badran

This machine works by using interconnected gears that guide the pen in a circular path. As the gears rotate at different speeds and positions, the pen creates complex, symmetrical patterns