14 | Student Reflection (and Survey!)

Congratulations, you've completed a NuVu Studio! 

Part 1 - Final Presentations

You should ensure your final presentations are uploaded on the platform at this stage. If you used Google Slides, make sure you clicked the "anyone with this link can view" link-sharing option, so others can see your presentation. 

Part 2 - Class Reflections 

Now it's time to reflect and share your thoughts on the studio experience. 

As a class, consider putting your chairs in a circle. Your teacher will guide you in discussing what aspects of the studio went well for you and which aspects you'd like to change/improve/try differently next time. 

We like to end studio reflections with "shout outs!" where you thank someone for the help that they offered you during the design process! It feels nice to consider who helped you along your design journey. 

Part 3 - Student Survey (this helps your teacher and NuVu understand how to improve your next studio experience!): 

Fill out the post-studio survey here: https://forms.gle/5eZk2LGw5p4C5vUb9