Abd Al-jaber HIJJO

Code Jam II

abdaljabbar hejjo

فجأة وجدت نفسك في الصحراء ويقوم بمهاجمتك احد الزومبي وانت دفاعا عن نفسك تطلق عليه النار وعندما يسمع صوت اطلاق النار يجتمع عليك الزومبي الاخرين ويهاجمونك ستحاول حماية نفسك منهم والصمود الى اكثر وقت ممكن .

"The game is called "Suddenly Found Yourself in the Desert," where you find yourself unexpectedly in the desert and are attacked by a zombie. As you defend yourself by shooting at it, other zombies are alerted by the gunfire and gather to attack you. You'll try to protect yourself from them and survive for as long as possible."