Studio Description | وصف الاستديو

Studio Description | وصف الاستديو

Yousef Yousef

When a challenging event occurs, it can be a stressful experience and leave people feeling upset and worried. However, engaging in games can actually have a positive impact on one's emotional well-being and promote relaxation after facing a difficult situation.

In this studio, we'll explore the potential of games to improve people's mood and foster a sense of calmness after a challenging event. We'll create board games that are specifically designed to help individuals express their emotions, cope with stress, and cultivate a more positive outlook.

Our games may incorporate enjoyable activities such as mindfulness exercises, which can enhance focus on the present moment and promote relaxation. Additionally, we may integrate techniques inspired by cognitive-behavioral therapy to assist in transforming negative thoughts into more positive ones. Regardless of the approach, our primary goal is to develop games that are engaging, enjoyable, and ultimately aid individuals in their journey toward emotional recovery following a tough time.

Focus skills/subjects/technologies:

DesignPrototypingDigital Fabrication art skills
game design
Social Science