Title Slide
By Name, Name
Context Image Option 1
What issue are you addressing with your project? (delete this)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
Thesis Statement Option 2
The Who,What,Why, and How of the project (delete this)
Research Insites & Image
State your research findings & include a reference image (delete this after)
Precedents Option 2
Show at least 1 Conceptual and 1 Technical Precedents (delete this)
Initial 3 Ideas in sketch model form (delete this)
Process Diagram
What tools were used in the fabrication of your device? (i.e. molds, fixtures, templates, jigs, etc)
Illustrate with 2D or 3D model (delete this)
Final Photo
Final photo of project (delete this)
Final Photos Option 1
Final photos of project in context (delete this)
Final Photos (Detail)
Highlight specific details of the design (delete this)
Video / GIF
Clip of final project, demonstrating how it works.
** Bonus Slide ** (delete this)