Welcome to the unknown, a place of wonder and imagination. Weird characters, floating lands, and enchanted trees... Purple is dominent in here, regardless of the four seasons. Oh there it is a chess board with weird creatures on it.. you can spot the Queen. Queen is a winner, who hates defeats...a tiara on her head with the color purple shows her dominance in this world. In ancient Rome, purple was the color of royalty, a designator of status. And while purple is flashy and pretty, it was more important at the time that purple was expensive. Back to our magical world, Queen hopes to leave that place, where she is surrounded by her minions, and explore the outside world. After sketching queen and her chessboard, i moved on to design the world in 3D, where you could see a floating land, the chessboard, other magical creatures and most importantly Queen. The final project shows Queen and her world in AR, where she continues to play and win battles.