
Get ready to design an interactive furniture piece that serves 2 or more people and facilitates human interaction. From researching inspiring presidents to building human-scale prototypes, this activity will challenge you to blend functionality and aesthetics while considering social dynamics.


Cardboard sheets, paper, cardstock paper

Tape, hot glue gun, fasteners, zip ties

Box cutters, scissors

Post-it notes (for brainstorming and feedback)


1. Precedent Research:

Individually, compile a collection of inspirational images showcasing various seating arrangements and designs. In groups, share your findings and identify design elements that inspire interaction. Collaborate to envision how these elements can shape your project and enhance user dynamics.

2. Brainstorming:

Generate 10 diverse furniture ideas individually, drawing inspiration from your research. 

In groups, consolidate your individual ideas and create three new sketches that combine the most exciting elements from each concept. Embrace collaboration to refine and enrich your designs.

3. Quick Prototyping:

Work in groups to create small-scale prototypes of your three sketches using basic materials like paper, tape, and cardboard. 

Share feedback within your team and select one concept to develop further into a human-scale prototype, focusing on construction techniques and user interaction.

4. Cardboard and Construction:

Research different cardboard building mechanisms and construction ideas in the Resources Tab or through independent research. 

Sketch out potential construction methods and consider how they can be applied to your design.

5. Detailed Drawings:

Collaborate with your group to create detailed drawings of your design from various angles, including estimated measurements and sketches of individual components to be cut from cardboard.

6. Human-Scale Prototype:

Utilize materials from your quick prototypes to construct a human-scale prototype of your chosen design, paying close attention to construction techniques and user interaction. Challenge yourself to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing piece.

7. Sharing and Testing: 

Showcase your sketches, quick prototypes, and human-scale prototypes for peer feedback. Participate in a feedback exchange where students test each other's furniture designs and provide constructive feedback using post-it notes. 

Final Deliverable

A piece of furniture designed for human interaction between 2 or more people using cardboard and other lo-fi materials.