Lucy Gunther:
At most playgrounds, parents don’t have anywhere to sit and socialize with one another; as a result, kids to be are surrounded by hovering parents and are prevented from taking risks and learning to overcome their fears at young ages. Sound Barriers is a series of translucent elastic string walls that vibrate at modified frequencies based on sounds that are picked up from microphones set around the playground. Sound Barriers helps children have the freedom to take risks on the playground, while still allowing the parents to watch their children. In of an emergency, the parents can access a walkway through gaps in the strings to reach their kids. Sound Barriers is being designed and built for a playground in Reyhanli, Turkey, in partnership with students from a local school called the Karam House. Sound Barriers will surround the adult sections of the park (designated as reading, gardening, picnic, and board game areas). The local kids and adults will come to this park and use it as a community space and place to play.
Gus’ brief
The musical bike is stationary tandem bike that, when pedaled, makes music. As the back wheel of the bike turns a cylinder with spikes, the spikes hit a piano-style hammer that hits drums. It can be played in an ascending or desceding scale or have songs programmed in like on a music box. This bike will be a part of a playground created for children who have fled Syria and are now living on the Turkish border. The bike was created as one of many musical elements of the playground. Play and music are important for children everthere, but many of these kids don't have much of either.
This project builds on the mechanics of a piano. With the piano, a finger hits the key, the key moves the hammer, and the hammer hits the string to make sound. In our innovative mechanism, a foot moves the pedals, which moves the wheel. The wheel moves a cylinder, which strikes the keys that hit the drums to make musical notes.
There many benefits to this bike: Since this is a musical bike, we hope it motivates kids to pedal. By pedaling faster or slower, kids can change the tempo of the music, which is fun. The bike gives kids good exercise. Because it’s tandem it is a social experience as well. We hope that our design helps kids meet new friends on the playground and just makes kids happy.
Musical Interventions is a collaborative studio between the Karam house and NuVu Cambridge. The students will have the opportunity to use music as a common language as they explore what it means to create sound, it's materiality, and the physicality of play. Through the use of parallel activities and programming, weekly video chat and daily blog interactions, the students will create sound installations that will augment the current playground design newly built in Reyhanli, Turkey.
التداخلات الموسيقية : هو استديو تعاوني بين بيت كرم و NuVu كامبردج، ستتاح الفرصة للطلاب من خلاله استخدام الموسيقى كلغة مشتركة بين (كيفية إنشاء الصوت ، والمادة التي سيصدر الصوت من خلالها ، وطريقة اللعب لإصدار هذا الصوت) وذلك بتجريب أنشطة مماثلة لألعاب موسيقية مع لغة برمجة ،والاجتماعات الأسبوعية ، والتفاعل اليومي للنصوص والشروحات باستخدام التوثيق.
سيقوم الطلاب بإنشاء تراكيب صوتية تعزز تصميم الملعب الي يتم بناؤه حديثاً في مدينة الريحانية التركية.