Exercise Title: Cartooning the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a term used to describe the current time period in Earth's history, starting when human activities began to significantly impact our world's environment and climate.
It reflects how human activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, and pollution, are leaving an indelible mark on our planet.
Think of it as the age where humans have become a major force reshaping the planet, from changing landscapes due to deforestation and urbanization, to causing climate change through pollution. The term helps underline the responsibility we have to protect and care for our planet.
Challenges of the Anthropocene:
Land | Sea | Air |
Deforestation | Oil Spills | Air Pollution |
Desertification | Coastal Sewage Leaks | Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Food Waste | Coastal Reef Destruction | Ozone Layer Depletion |
Animal endangerment and extinction | Overfishing |
Waste Management | Ocean Acidification | Noise Pollution |
Flooding | Marine Debris/Plastic Pollution | Light Pollution |
Soil Pollution | ||
Erosion | ||
Land Degradation | ||
Overfarming/Soil Exhaustion | ||
Mining Activities |
Instructions: With a partner, you will choose one environmental problem of interest, and create a visual representation to be shared with your classmates.
Questions to respond to sketch the issue:
Deliverables: Post your sketch presentation in the Response Tab of the Environmental Research Assignment.
Notes: Additional base research material for each topic has been posted under the Precedents Tab of this assignment. These videos are intended as brief introductions only: your team will need to dig much deeper and find additional materials in order to complete the research presentations.
Exercise Title: Potentially Kinetic
عنوان التمرين: حركي كامن
Purpose: Explore the relationship between potential and kinetic energy through the creation of preposterous device that assists in everyday tasks.
الغرض: استكشاف العلاقة بين الطاقة الكامنة والطاقة الحركية من خلال إنشاء جهاز عجيب يُساعد في المهام اليومية.
Description: Students will develop a potentially kinetic mechanical device which they can "charge" with potential energy that completes some useful task for home or school. The nature of this task is up to the students, but some examples examples include something that scratches your back, cleans a plate, draws a picture, or wakes you in the morning.
الوصف: يُطوّر الطلاب جهازًا ميكانيكيًّا يعمل بالحركة الكامنة يمكنهم "شحنه" بالطاقة الكامنة لإنجاز بعض المهام المفيدة للمنزل أوالمدرسة. إن طبيعة هذه المهمة متروكة للطلاب، لكن بعض الأمثلة على ذلك تشمل شيئًا يخربش ظهرك، أو ينظف الطبق، أو يرسم صورة، أو يوقظك في الصباح.
Devices must be mechanical in nature and be able to be charged by the student. Potential storage methods may include:
يجب أن تكون الأجهزة ميكانيكية بطبيعتها و يمكن للطلاب شحنها. قد تتضمن طرق التخزين المحتملة ما يلي:
Consider that devices need not work well. In fact, completing an action poorly can highlight both the action and the issues of storing and releasing energy.
مع الوضع في الاعتبار أن الأجهزة ليست بحاجة إلى العمل بصورة جيدة. في الواقع، يمكن أن يؤدي إتمام أي إجراء ضعيف إلى تسليط الضوء على كل من الإجراءات وقضايا تخزين وإطلاق الطاقة.
Deliverables: Name your device and post all of your images together (in order!) in the Presentations tab (above)
المخرجات: سمِّ جهازك وانشر جميع صورك معه (بالترتيب!) في علامة تبويب العرض التقديمي.
COMPETETIION TIME ! You will create a robo-arm, an extension wearable on your arm that helps you grab objects from point A to point B
Using basic prototyping materials, create an arm/hand attachment that utlizes a mechanism to grab objects.
Shoot a video / GIF and post your robo-arm piece as a blog post with a description of how it works and what dance it enhances.
Materials and Tools