Drawing and sketching are important tools for communicating one's ideas. This is especially true for engineers. They rely on detailed drawings to communicate ideas, share information, and ensure that their designs are created accurately.
In this activity, you'll learn about how to draw like an engineer.
After reviewing the presentation...
In the responses tab above, create a post and add your orthographic animal drawing and a picture of what you were drawing.
The goal of this exercise is to evaluate your LAMBA Studio experience. This exercise should take you about 20 minutes to complete -- be sure to take your time to thoughtfully complete this survey. As a class, you might want to talk through some of the aspects of the studio experience, and then write your responses later.
Instructions: In the Response tab, create a new post with your responses to the following questions below. Please copy & paste the bottom portion of this post to your responses.
How would you describe the LAMBA Studio experience in your own words?
What did you enjoy the most about the studio?
What did you enjoy the least in the studio? How would you improve the learning experience?
Name 3 of your favorite assignments from the studio, explain how it was helpful to you as a learner.
Did you find the platform helpful in your learning? Why or why not?
Did you find the feedback process helpful? What would help improve this interaction in the future?
Throughout the studio, you had the opportunity to hear feedback from your Coach, peers, and guest reviewers. What type of feedback did you benefit the most from?
What aspect of your final project are you most proud of and why?
How was your collaboration with your partner throughout the studio process? How can collaboration be improved?
In the future, what would be a studio topic that would interest you the most? What would you hope to gain from the experience?
Presentations are the story of your project - from early sketches and inspiration, through prototypes and more developed ideas, presentations highlight the pieces of the process that led each student to their latest project.
In this assignment, you will compile and create your final presentation, which will become part of your online portfolio of work, able to be shared with the public.
Create a post in the "Portfolio" tab of your project folder. This post has two components: the visual presentation and the written project description. Each component is outlined below and should be included in the same post.
Deliverable 1: Visual Presentation
The Project Statement is a 1-2 paragraph project description that explains the overall idea of your project to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic. Below is a series of key points to consider as you write this final project description. Keep in mind that you should not simply put all of the answers together -- you must weave it together into a clear story.
Things to consider:
As we approach the end of the studio, our sessions should shift towards preparation for the final presentation of our projects. The first step of this preparation is the completion of a final, refined, physical prototype of our illuminated product.
Using the full scale drafted drawing, along with the skills developed in earlier activities, create a final prototype. This prototype should be a development of earlier iterations, taking what you have learned from testing and critique to advance the demonstration of your concept.
Once your prototype is complete, record your work with many photographs of your illuminated product. Photograph the project in different setting if applicable. Shoot video of your project functioning. Upload all pictures and video to a blog post.
Learning Goals
In the building of a refined prototype, teams will be developing their Creative Confidence through the creation of a physical model that is more developed than previously thought possible through the utilization of skills developed in cardboard construction as well as LED and motor circuits. The final iteration of their conceptual exploration further develops competency in Innovation, the ability to create new solutions to a problem.
LED Strips are individually addressable ribbons of RGB (red green blue) lights, meaning that each light on the ribbon can be controlled by itself and give off any color on the visible color spectrum. Every light on the strip has its own chip onboard that processes commands given to it by the Arduino.
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(30, 6, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); void setup() { strip.begin();; } void loop() { for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) { strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(255, 0, 0)); }; delay(100); }