Robots and

Renewable Energies


In this studio, we call into question our fundamental understanding of what robots are, and how they interact with the environment, to develop a vision for new Bots that can create understanding about, remediate, interact with, and find equilibrium in our environment.

To better prepare ourselves to work on this topic and to help stimulate initial ideas, we will first explore different realms of design as inspiration - this is called precedent research.

In design, a precedent is an existing project/work/idea/concept that demonstrates a novel approach or solution, and exposes new concepts related to the context of the studio. In the last assignment, you began the process of precedent research, which we will continue with more depth in this assignment.


Explore the precedents found in the post below and 3 projects that you would like to analyze in more depth.

Create a post in the Responses folder at the top of the page and write 3-4 sentences about each project you selected that explains the goal of the work and its design in more detail. 


Following the template at the last slide, create a small presentation of your selected robot.