Living Architecture [Master]

Designing a Treehouse

In order to explore your current understanding of architecture and design, you will build a treehouse model that would fit within the constraints of 12" x 12" x 12". We would like you to construct a model that represents a specific design concept of your choosing. Design concept examples are listed below: 

The Escape - Designed to promote adventure and an ideal escape through the experience of the treehouse within its environment. Ex: A Spa in the Trees

The Studio - These are treehouses which are created to promote the visionary work/studies/artistic endeavors of the occupant. This treehouse is a space which allows the person to live fully in their own fantastical world while appreciating the unique environment they are sited in.  Ex: The Writers Nook

The Object - These treehouses are exciting experiments pushing the boundaries of architecture forward. They challenge the idea of what a treehouse has to be by creating striking architecture through pushing the boundaries of structure, space, and material. Ex: The Bridge in the Jungle, The Invisible Treehouse

The Collection - The main purpose is to create spaces which emphasize the interaction with, storage and display of a certain collection. ex: The Treehouse of Glass Objects

Including restrooms and kitchen space is not necessary. 

The primary function of the tree house is determined by each designer and may be a residence, but it could also serve other goals, ex: gallery, playground, tea house, greenhouse, umbrella making shop, studio, library, observatory, etc. 


- CREATE A SITE Select at least three tree branches from the middle of the table. Compose them on your piece of foam core and attach with hot glue.

- ESTABLISH A SCALE Create a scale figure by making a piece of paper the size a human should be compared to your tree branches

-  BUILD A TREEHOUSE This model is based on the  extents of your imagination. 

- Before your begin building, sketch out multiple quick ideas testing out a few potential concepts. Write down what the design concept you'd like to build is (examples above)

- Build a model within 45 minutes, capture the essential aspects of the idea. 

Document as you go. You may try something that looks cool and ultimately doesn't work out, take a photo before you disassemble it. 

You will share your models and concepts in the next class session. 

Living Architecture of Library

Maram Karazoun

Your Final Product Image

صورة المنتج النهائي الخاصة بك

Living Library

Maram & Heba

The "Living Library" project is an architectural design with a capacity of 15 people, located in the forest, open to the public, designed with sustainable values.

2 kinetic origamic door systems are foldable and  ensure that the library is always in touch with nature.

The roof is  6-panel structure which is rotatable  and  designed in organic forms. These panels provide the electrical energy needed by the library using wind energy.At the same time, it creates a light and shadow effect during the day, transforming sun and shadow in the library into an aesthetic experience.


"Yaşayan Kütüphane" projesi, orman içerisinde yer alan, halka açık, sürdürülebilir değerlerle tasarlanmış 15 kişi kapasiteli bir mimari tasarımdır.

2 kinetik origamik kapı sistemi katlanabilir olup kütüphanenin her zaman doğa ile iç içe olmasını sağlar.

Çatı, organik formlarda tasarlanmış, dönebilen 6 panelli bir yapıdır. Bu paneller kütüphanenin ihtiyaç duyduğu elektrik enerjisini rüzgar enerjisini kullanarak sağlamaktadır. Aynı zamanda gün içerisinde ışık ve gölge etkisi yaratarak kütüphanedeki güneş ve gölgeyi estetik bir deneyime dönüştürmektedir.


مشروع "المكتبة الحية" هو تصميم معماري يتسع لـ 15 شخصًا، يقع في الغابة، مفتوح للجمهور، مصمم بقيم مستدامة.

نظامان للأبواب الحركية قابلان للطي ويضمنان أن تكون المكتبة على اتصال دائم بالطبيعة.

السقف عبارة عن هيكل مكون من 6 ألواح وهو قابل للدوران ومصمم بأشكال عضوية. توفر هذه الألواح الطاقة الكهربائية التي تحتاجها المكتبة باستخدام طاقة الرياح. وفي الوقت نفسه، تخلق تأثير الضوء والظل خلال النهار، مما يحول الشمس والظل في المكتبة إلى تجربة جمالية.

Living Architecture of Library

Maram Karazoun

Your Final Product Image

صورة المنتج النهائي الخاصة بك

Living Architecture of Library

Maram & Heba

نموذج & Final Presentation

Maram Karazoun and Heba Jbara

Your Final Product Image

صورة المنتج النهائي الخاصة بك

Living Architecture of Library

Maram & Heba

مشروع مبدئي

Maram Karazoun


Maram Karazoun and Heba Jbara


اسم المشروع

Project's Title

اسم الطالب

صورة المشروع


Dina Chehab and Shahed al-Halabi







Dina Chehab and Shahed al-Halabi






Graphic Design Tips

Andrew Todd Marcus and Kardelen Cici