Project description:
This project is a mask for children aged 8-12, which the wearer feels that he/she is one of the heroes who protect people, and the shape of the mask matches the clothes that children wear.
Project description:
This project is a mask for children aged 8-12, which the wearer feels that he/she is one of the heroes who protect people, and the shape of the mask matches the clothes that children wear.
Project description:
In this project, a mask was designed for children in the form of heroes and supernatural characters to help children wear it, and a filter was added to purify the incoming air and a design that takes into account the face and nose specifically to be comfortable.
Project description:
This project is an easy to wear mask for hero kids between 8-12 years old who contribute in protecting themselves and their community by wearing a special designed mask that is provided with fans for better ventilation
Project description:
This project is a mask for kids between 8-12 years old who contribute in protecting themselves and their community by wearing a special designed mask with their favourite hero, that is provided with filter and fans for better ventilation.
Project description:
In this project, the design was made according to the French fashion, where the mask was replaced by embroidered cloth appropriately for veiled women and young girls, as it is very comfortable for people who suffer from wearing a mask and hijab at the same time.
Project description:
In this project, a simple cartoon mask was designed that takes the shape of a bird, where the size is smaller and contains many ventilation holes from the bottom and also colours have been added to it to make it lovely for children and easy to wear.
Project description:
This project is a special designed mask for HADEEL an 8 years old hero girl who contributes in protecting herself and her community by wearing a special designed mask that shows her unique identity and has the first letter of her name and fits to her favourite clothes
Over two centuries, technological and medical development has reached its climax, yet epidemics and recently discovered diseases have increased to form a new challenge that compels us to unite in order to overcome it successfully.
We should raise awareness and increase readiness in case of a sharp rise in infections, as it is our responsibility to raise awareness about such diseases, and shield ourselves and the people around us from them, thus becoming heroes in our community. developing existing shields and medical prevention tools that are made for our protection, with the goal of facilitating their use, especially children who are less aware of the effects of such health hazards.
In this studio, students shall be inventing facial protective equipment that appeal to children. Alternatively, students shall improve already-existing personal protective equipment which encourages children to wear face masks, even those who refuse to wear it. They shall also work on finding ways to make mask-wearing safer without causing facial damage and reducing oxygen levels.
على مدى قرنين من الزمن بلغ التطور التكنولوجي والطبي ذروته، ومع ذلك زادت الأوبئة والأمراض المكتشفة لتضيف لنا تحديا جديدا يوحدنا لنتجاوزه بنجاح معاً.
يجب علينا رفع الوعي والاستعداد لإحتمالية زيادة أعداد الإصابات فتقتضي مسؤوليّاتنا على نشر الوعي عن هذه الأمراض وحماية انفسنا ومن حولنا لنصبح أبطال في مجتمعنا وذلك بجعل الألبسة وأدوات الوقاية الطبية أكثر ملاءمة لحمايتنا من خلال العمل على تطويرها ، بهدف حمايتنا وتسهيل عملية الاستخدام وخاصة للأطفال الأقل وعيا تجاه هذه المخاطر.
في هذا الاستديو,سيقوم الطلاب بابتكارأداة لحماية الوجه لها شكل جذاب يحبه الأطفال أو التطوير على زي معين ويعطي حلول لمشكلة عدم تقبل بعضهم لارتداء الكمامات وكذلك سيعملون على إيجاد طرق تجهل ارتدائها أكثر أمانا بدون أن تؤذي الوجه وتقلل نسبة الأكسجين.