Quarantine Comics | كاريكاتيرات خيالية

The Vacation

Liam Coughlin

Project Description:

The Vacation is a comic about a kid whose trip is canceled due to the pandemic. The story captures the real emotions that the author imagined if he were able to experience those places first hand.


    The main character is riding in a taxi cab through the streets during morning rush hour. There is an excitement on his face that he can’t seem to wipe off. The cab pulls up to the airport, where life is bustling. He walks through security with his boarding pass in hand. It reads, “Boston to Malaga.” Next thing he knows, the plane is landing at Costa del Sol. The vacation has started.

    It is a magnificent drive to Marabella along the Costa del Sol. Upon arrival, he enjoys heaps of seafood and surfing in the crystal blue waters. Moments after the stop in Marabella, the rock of Gibraltar comes into view. It Is a massive cone of earth that juts out of the ground at a mouth-dropping 45-degree angle. People are in awe all around him as they gaze up to the point. It is truly an incredible sight. Next on the list, our traveler arrives at the town of Tarifa-A small town that was once part of the Moorish empire. There is fantastic middle eastern architecture with mosques dotted around the city. The view from the roof deck in the old town is unlike anything he’s seen before. 

    A short trip across the Strait of Gibraltar on a high-speed fairy leaves him in the city of Tangiers Morocco. He inhales the new culture, exploring the Madina Markets full of spices and treasures, and visiting the golden gates of the Dar el Makhzen palace. Seville is the next destination on his journey. As he arrives, he is greeted by the grand cathedral de Seville. It stands tall in the city skyline. Its brown walls surround the beautiful gold shrine inside. A short walk leads him to the Plaza de Espana, where arches surround him. The steeples rise high; the tiles are mesmerizing. It is an architectural beauty. On the final leg of the journey, he decides to head to Granada and stay in the Alhambra Fortress. As he arrives on the grounds of this fortress, he spots a beautiful place to lay down under a tree, looking up at the bright blue sky. Just as he is about to doze off, he is startled, awakened. With a mask over his face, he slumps over in his subway seat.

Desolate | Cleo Podrasky

Cleo Podrasky

Isolation is an issue that plagues many people, and affect people's mental health in very negative ways. On account of the current self-isolation and need for aknowledgement of this mental health crisis, Desolate, a traced comic, focuses on isolation and its impact on the mental health of teenagers. The comic aims to illustrate how one person, Ellie, navigates this isolation, and her experiences with other people in and out of quarantine.

Ellie is sitting in her room, thinking about her friends and her school life. She remembers her first day, where she felt like she was alone. When she arrived at her school, there was no one whom she knew, and everything was strange. There was so much light, so much noise, and she didn’t really see a place for her in it. On a particularly rough day at school, she struggles through her classes, and once everything is over and all of the people are gone, she curls up in the hallway and hides herself away. One of her friends, however, wondering where she is, finds her. Her friend  comforts her, and helps her onto her feet. Ellie looks at her phone- however, no new messages pop up, and it seems like her friend has forgotten her. She starts to cry, missing the only person in her life who she felt cared. She can’t talk to that person anymore, and so she starts to break down. Her mother knocks on the door, and after noticing her crying, she hugs and supports her, telling her that everything is going to be okay.

lost and found

Anara Magavi
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الذهاب للمدرسة | Going To School

Majdolin Al-zayyat

The final project is an animation story of a specific event that was supposed to take place and couldn't because of quarantine
Majdolin’s story talks about Going To School.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

اتقدم معكم بعرضي النهائي عن القصة المصورة 

الاسم:مجدولين الزيات


"تفرق بسبب ظرف صحي" 

لقد قمنا في هذا المشروع بكتابة الحدث الذي لم نستطع فعله بسبب كورونا و من ثم قمنا بتجسيده برسم الكاريكاتير مع اضافة بعض النصوص او المحادثات القصيرة 

وهنا نبدا برواية قصة مجدولين التي لم تستطع الذهاب للمدرسة بسبب فايروس كورنا الذي انتشر بشكل كبير في انحاء العالم....

تلك الفتاة تحب اصدقائها حقا لانهم اقرب الاشخاص اليها وقد كانت تستمتع معهم بكثير من الاوقات و كانوا يقومون بأشياء للذكرى معا مثل كتابة اشياء لطيفة لبعضهم البعض حتى لو كانت تافهة و قد كانت تلك الفتاة مجدولين تلقبهم" بالفضائين خاصتي"

و في يوم من الايام انتشر ذلك الفيروس الذي قتل الملايين و تم منع التجمعات في كل المكان وتم اغلاق المدارس وتم الحد من ساعات عمل المتاجر و حتى تم حد الخروج للعاملين و تم ايقافهم عن العمل تلك الفتاة حزنت لانها لن تلتقي بأصدقائها و لم تكن هي او اي شخص اخر يعلم متى ستنتهي هذه المهزلة المفاجئة بعد ان مضى حوالي الاربعة اشهر تم الافراج عن قرار بأنه تم السماح للناس بالخروج ولكن بدابير ووقايات الصحة و هنا عادت تلك الفتاة مجدولين للمدرسة ورأت اصدقائها مرة اخرى...

♤النهاية ♤